My Offerings
Community Roots Financials works with organizations and individuals to hold space for people to get clarity on their financial empowerment needs. Because there is no one-size-fits-all, I take a tailored collaborative approach with you to figure out what option is best for your org or for you.
Start with a complimentary 30-minute chat
to see if we’re a fit for each other!

My rates
CRF utilizes an aspiring version of a gift economics model inspired by the East Bay Meditation Center on Huichin Ohlone Land also known as Oakland, California. As a womxn-of-color owned business, I hope to eventually build to a day where I can truly have a no fee model. For now, my quoted costs start with a base rate for individuals, non-profits, and for-profits. I ask all my clients to give as generously as you are able at or above my base rate. In turn, my business can give generously back to communities in need at subsidized or free rates. Currently, I prioritize individuals and non-profits as recipients of any surplus money I receive. Conversely, if my estimated base rates are a barrier for you to partner with me, let’s talk so that we can come to an agreement that is mutually supportive and reciprocal - money should never be a reason we cannot work together!